GIF Banners

GIF banners are animated or static images that contain images and text and carry the .gif extension. Animated GIFs include a number of images (frames) that are displayed one after another and thus creating the motion. A GIF file has only a frame which is static.


  • GIF banners are accepted by most publishers
  • GIF Banners contain animation
  • Explore through slides
  • File size is very low
  • Plug-ins not required
  • GIF banners work on mobile devices

Flash Banners

Flash Banner are a modern digital advertising media. Flash banner is an animated web banner created using Adobe Flash technology. These banners use complicated animations (like movies) and sound and are often interactive. Physically, flash banners are .swf objects embedded into web pages.


  • Eye-catching
  • Animated and possibly interactive
  • Explore through animations and words